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A place for friends to gather and view stock market charts, discuss technical analysis and market outlook. What is your Principal Asset? How can it be developed? Each and all should do their own due dilligence and homework before investing. And by no means should you use anything I say or show here as a sole basis to buy or sell securities as everything is for educational experience only.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

MET Life......

Let's take a look at MET Life...

The long term monthly chart depicts the absolute crushing this stock has taken in the recent recession, but a look at the 60 day/60 minute bar chart below gives the glimmer of HOPE...

Bottom-line is if you've held through the recent downturn there is absolutely no reason to sell now. The $40 target may be a time to take "some" off the table, but I would do this only to reload for the eventual higher push back into the 60's.
I think it is pretty clear that the downward trend will be broken.
Perhaps a purchase of some $30 PUTS when the $40 target is hit to safeguard shares. And then buy more common with the gains from the PUTS?

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