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A place for friends to gather and view stock market charts, discuss technical analysis and market outlook. What is your Principal Asset? How can it be developed? Each and all should do their own due dilligence and homework before investing. And by no means should you use anything I say or show here as a sole basis to buy or sell securities as everything is for educational experience only.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Quarter End and Fed speak

Last day of the quarter today and a pretty boring one. I find it intersting that Paulson chooses today to release the "New Plan" that will take 2-8 years to implement regulatory controls over the banking and mortgage inustries. I guess my $600 Rebate is to justify the billions of taxpayer dollars being thrown out and pissed on to bail these guys out of poor decision making.

Anyway, most of the charts today had an "inside day" meaning that today's action was inside the high and low of the previous day high and low. This can probably be attributed to the quarter end, but some relevance can be made for tomorrow's action based on the positioning of the candle being on the lower levels. Range bound in a declining market with low volume: be nimble.

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