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A place for friends to gather and view stock market charts, discuss technical analysis and market outlook. What is your Principal Asset? How can it be developed? Each and all should do their own due dilligence and homework before investing. And by no means should you use anything I say or show here as a sole basis to buy or sell securities as everything is for educational experience only.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Divididend yield scan....

Okay, so heres the scan criteria:

Price >= $5
Price <= $100
Average Daily Volume >= 250,000 shares
Dividend Yield >= 10%
Price/Earnings Ratio >= 8

Here are the charts in the above order. All are monthly going back as far as the companies inception thus giving you an idea of how established they are as well as a quick eyeball of previous performance. It is pretty interesting how diverse this group is. It is also particularly interesting how many real estate oriented companies are in this list.

Anyway, I thought you would find this info helpful and enlightening setting up for some long term purchases. My plan is to glean out at least 5 of these.

Currently without even doing perfunctionary research I like: BAC, SNH, ADSK, NAT, CRY, NNN, PPL, OHI. This group alone covers Electric power, banking, software, biotech, healthcare, commercial retail space real estate, senior assisted living real estate, & tanker cargo shipping.

The bottom-line is "IF" these companies can keep their dividend intact with earnings power they "COULD BE" some of the biggest and fastest to recover. Otherwise I have a nice used John Deere you may be interested in......

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