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A place for friends to gather and view stock market charts, discuss technical analysis and market outlook. What is your Principal Asset? How can it be developed? Each and all should do their own due dilligence and homework before investing. And by no means should you use anything I say or show here as a sole basis to buy or sell securities as everything is for educational experience only.

Friday, January 23, 2009

ProphetCharts: SLB


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or XOM

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How bout Natural gas...

For the Web's best interactive charts, please visit http://www.Prophet.Net


What about coal?

For the Web's best interactive charts, please visit http://www.Prophet.Net


Best in breed or just another bohemoth? GE gives another look at where we are regarding energy. And again it's amazing how Fibonacci levels provide trading ranges over multi time frames. From $0.37 - $$48.73.....WOW

Can you see going long with a stop of $11.79?

For the Web's best interactive charts, please visit http://www.Prophet.Net

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Interesting chart of the XLE Energy ETF. This 10 yr monthly chart shows we are at the bottom of an up trend and just barely hanging on....Long here using the 200 monthly average as a stop?

For the Web's best interactive charts, please visit http://www.Prophet.Net


For the Web's best interactive charts, please visit http://www.Prophet.Net

Monday, January 19, 2009

XLY - Consumer Discretionary

For the Web's best interactive charts, please visit http://www.Prophet.Net

Kipplinger report.....

From the Kiplinger letter:
GDP growth
-1.8% in ‘09, contraction

Interest rates
Prime at 3.25% in ‘09,
10-year T-notes yielding 3%

Declining in coming months

Rising to nearly 9% by ‘09’s end

Crude oil
Averaging $63/barrel in ‘09

On Energy:
"The slide in energy prices will come to an end as midyear approaches.
But increases will be modest…no repeat of 2008’s eye-popping price hikes.
So-so demand for motor fuel and the sidelining of big speculators spell moderation
in 2009 oil prices…in the neighborhood of $40-$60 a barrel…despite cuts in output.
Look for gasoline prices to bottom out within weeks, at about $1.60 a gallon,
national average. Then…climbing a few cents every week or so through Memorial Day.
We expect prices to crest near the $2 mark and hold there through early summer.
It’ll take a little longer for diesel prices to reverse course. They’ll slide 20¢
through spring to $2.25 a gallon, before heading toward $3 in summer. For the year,
diesel will run a buck or so less than 2008. Fuel surcharges will fall from 30% to 18%.
An OPEC for natural gas? Yep. Russia has succeeded in persuading African,
Middle Eastern, South American and European countries that produce natural gas
to form a cartel intended to give them more leverage over the commodity’s price.
But the group won’t wield the kind of power OPEC does over oil prices.
That’s because the price of natural gas closely parallels the price of crude oil,
which is far more broadly and extensively used. So no matter what a gas cartel does,
the biggest influence on the price of natural gas will be the going rate of a barrel of oil."

Housing sales
A small pickup during ‘09

Retail sales growth
Struggling to stay positive in ‘09

Trade deficit
$490 billion, 3.6% of GDP in ‘09