A look at Precious metals, Gold, & the 10 yr note: Is it conincidence they fall to support as the overall market has risen to resistance?

Here's a look at homebuilder KBH, LOW, HD, & MAS:
Pretty easy to see which are topping and which have yet to move or continue to plummet.

And lastly a glance at 4 major ETF's -
XLE (Energy), RTH (Retailers), XLF (Financial) , & XLB (Materials)
Energy & Retailers up quickly to meet resistance as Financials are still heading southeast.
Checkout Materials as they look to still have some upward move and momentum left.

Does this make a case to be:
Long short term Gold & Materials while shorting the Overall Market; especially the Retailers & Energy names who have "popped" recently as profits may be taken?
The case to stay away from Financials remains.