So much for traveling abroad any time soon. Your hard earned cash is continung to be worth less and less globaly. And let's not even talk about inflation......
I guess we can expect to here alot more German and French as the Euro continues to set all time highs vesus the US dollar.

The YEN does show ome hope for the US Dollar, but remember the Japanese are still reeling from ther over-evaluatons of two decade ago. So they are in a simlar situation to the US, but actually save more than we do.

And lastly, our "Friends" the Canadians.......Do ya think in 2001 a US investment analyst could have said, "Covert all your US assets to Canadian Dollars and by 2008 I guarantee you will profit by 65%!"? Anyway I wonder how much oil they have stashed away? I think we should invade and nationalize professonal hockey. At least then we would be able to view a Stanley Cup Playoff game on a decent network. Go Penguins!!!!
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